PLUTO Tutorials
- Hello World
- Access and print basic particle properties
- Setting up reactions: Use the one-liner parser to produce eta Dalitz events
- Analyze the eta Dalitz output file
- Use the long example to produce eta Dalitz events
- Use the long example to produce omega Dalitz events
- Produce Delta Dalitz events in the quasi-free n+p (d+p) collision
- Omega Dalitz with decay manager in the p+d reaction
- Thermal macros (PFireball): Test thermal source of rho's
- Angular distribution interface: Add user-defined angular distributions
- Analyze the polar angle as created with useAngularDistribution
- The event loop interface: Make histograms in one single line without ana macro with the PBatch script language
- Demonstrate how batch scripting can be used to define filters
- Writing TNtuple(s) and ASCII files
- Re-read an TNtuple (from the example above) and make a histogram
- Re-read the ASCII-file from batch_write_ntuple.C and make a bulk decay
- Convert an TNtuple (from the example above) to a PParticle and make a bulk decay
- Using a batch script to simulate pileup
- Very small acceptance filter (setting variables for batch) including opening angle.
- Adds embedded particles in the eta Dalitz decay
- Demonstrates the bulk decay option
- Using the density matrix
- Using scripting in a PChannel
- Usage of Pluto build-in templates: beam smearing
- pp elastic scattering with different beam tilts
- Play with the mass shape of a dummy resonance
- Demo using the batch syntax to change the omega form factor
- Demo using the batch syntax to change the Dalitz plot eta -> 3pi
- Demo using a histogram to change the Dalitz plot eta -> 3pi
- Usage of weights/generators: another way of eta Dalitz simulation
- Compare eta Dalitz using weights with parse_eta.C
- Choosing the rho0 -> e+e- partial width model
- Quasi-free reactions: A (dummy) model for fermi samping inside a nucleus
- Quasi-free pi+A scattering, including beam smearing
- The scattering of two nucleons inside deuterons
- Total cross sections: The pp cocktail at 1.25GeV
- Total cross sections: The dp cocktail at 1.25AGeV
- Cocktails for 3.5GeV: the pp reaction
- Thermal source model of p+nucleus 3.5 AGeV
- Virtual detectors and batch packs This macro makes a demo filter root file
- Use the filter file from above
- Using more than one ROOT TBranch to store undistorted sim particles
- Embedded particles with vertex info and seq-nr for HADES
- Breakup Reaction for Li7
- Example for a p + 7Li reaction
- Two-step process (phi in medium -> K K -> K K_scatter)
Plugin for:
- Reading an UniGen file
- Using the pdg-code
- Example how to use the pion beam plugin
- Low-energy pp scattering
- Example for a 2-body scattering with total and differential cross sections
- Test macro for omega -> pi+pi-pi0