PLUTO Tutorials

  1. Hello World
  2. Access and print basic particle properties
  3. Setting up reactions: Use the one-liner parser to produce eta Dalitz events
  4. Analyze the eta Dalitz output file
  5. Use the long example to produce eta Dalitz events
  6. Use the long example to produce omega Dalitz events
  7. Produce Delta Dalitz events in the quasi-free n+p (d+p) collision
  8. Omega Dalitz with decay manager in the p+d reaction
  9. Thermal macros (PFireball): Test thermal source of rho's
  10. Angular distribution interface: Add user-defined angular distributions
  11. Analyze the polar angle as created with useAngularDistribution
  12. The event loop interface: Make histograms in one single line without ana macro with the PBatch script language
  13. Demonstrate how batch scripting can be used to define filters
  14. Writing TNtuple(s) and ASCII files
  15. Re-read an TNtuple (from the example above) and make a histogram
  16. Re-read the ASCII-file from batch_write_ntuple.C and make a bulk decay
  17. Convert an TNtuple (from the example above) to a PParticle and make a bulk decay
  18. Using a batch script to simulate pileup
  19. Very small acceptance filter (setting variables for batch) including opening angle.
  20. Adds embedded particles in the eta Dalitz decay
  21. Demonstrates the bulk decay option
  22. Using the density matrix
  23. Using scripting in a PChannel
  24. Usage of Pluto build-in templates: beam smearing
  25. pp elastic scattering with different beam tilts
  26. Play with the mass shape of a dummy resonance
  27. Demo using the batch syntax to change the omega form factor
  28. Demo using the batch syntax to change the Dalitz plot eta -> 3pi
  29. Demo using a histogram to change the Dalitz plot eta -> 3pi
  30. Usage of weights/generators: another way of eta Dalitz simulation
  31. Compare eta Dalitz using weights with parse_eta.C
  32. Choosing the rho0 -> e+e- partial width model
  33. Quasi-free reactions: A (dummy) model for fermi samping inside a nucleus
  34. Quasi-free pi+A scattering, including beam smearing
  35. The scattering of two nucleons inside deuterons
  36. Total cross sections: The pp cocktail at 1.25GeV
  37. Total cross sections: The dp cocktail at 1.25AGeV
  38. Cocktails for 3.5GeV: the pp reaction
  39. Thermal source model of p+nucleus 3.5 AGeV
  40. Virtual detectors and batch packs This macro makes a demo filter root file
  41. Use the filter file from above
  42. Using more than one ROOT TBranch to store undistorted sim particles
  43. ../plugins/beamline/: A class to simulate beam particle transport in the beam line

    ../plugins/brems/: Virtual photon emission

    ../plugins/dalitz_mod/: Modifications of the Dalitz decays (mainly D Dalitz)

    ../plugins/elementary/: A collection of cross sections, particles for elementary reactions


    ../plugins/fairroot/: Plugin for adding pluto to FAIRROOT

    ../plugins/hades/: HADES detector specific classes

  44. Embedded particles with vertex info and seq-nr for HADES
  45. ../plugins/nucleus_fermi/: Plugin for physics with nuclear targets

  46. Breakup Reaction for Li7
  47. Example for a p + 7Li reaction
  48. Two-step process (phi in medium -> K K -> K K_scatter)
  49. ../plugins/pdg_unigen/: Plugin for:

  50. Reading an UniGen file
  51. Using the pdg-code
  52. ../plugins/pion_beam/: The plugin for pion beams

  53. Example how to use the pion beam plugin
  54. ../plugins/scatter_mod/: A plugin for a new pp elastic scattering angle

  55. Low-energy pp scattering
  56. Example for a 2-body scattering with total and differential cross sections
  57. ../plugins/strangeness/: Plugin to add new particles with strangeness and their decays


    ../plugins/w_decays/: A plugin including a realistic omega -> pi+pi-pi0 Dalitz plane

  58. Test macro for omega -> pi+pi-pi0