Using the density matrix
//Creates the matrix object:
PDensityMatrix *matrix = new PDensityMatrix();
//Open the HSD-file:
matrix->ReadDensityMatrix("fort.925", 3, kTRUE, 0.49, 0.51);
// * Filename
// * Number of dimension-columns (Important!)
// * Correct integral for the bin width
// * Lower bound for section selection
// * Upper bound for section selection
//Create a seed particle:
PParticle *seed = new PParticle("dilepton", 0., 0., 0.);
//matrix->AddParticle(seed); //Do not use that when in already taken in PReaction as seed!!!
//Use matrix 12:
//(counting from 0, the columns for the dimensions must be substracted)
//Convert _x, _y and _z into physical variables:
matrix->Do("mt = sqrt(_z*_z + _x*_x)");
matrix->Do("p3 = mt * sinh(_y)");
matrix->Do("phi = sampleFlat() * TMath::Pi() * 2.0");
matrix->Do("p1 = _z * sin(phi)");
matrix->Do("p2 = _z * cos(phi)");
//Optional boost by a TLorentzVector:
//just dummy! must be replaced by parameters of the fireball c.m.
//N.b. the sign of pz must be negative to boost in forward direction
PParticle boost(0, 0, 0, -4.0, 1.0);
*(makeDynamicData()->GetBatchParticle("boost")) = boost; //copy to script
//id, Px, Py, Pz (GeV/c), mass (GeV/c**2)
matrix->Do("foreach(*); [*]->Boost(boost)");
//Start the reaction:
PParticle *ep = new PParticle("e+");
PParticle *em = new PParticle("e-");
PParticle *p[] = {seed, em, ep};
PChannel dilepton_decay(p, 2);
PChannel *c[]={&dilepton_decay};
PReaction my_reaction(c, "output", 1);
//Just for debugging...
TH1F *histo1 = new TH1F("histo1", "ee mass", 100, 0.01, 1.5);
my_reaction.Do(histo1, "_x = ([e+]+[e-])->M()");
TH2F *histo2 = new TH2F("histo2","Y vs. Pt", 100, -4.0, 6.0, 300, 0.,1.);
my_reaction.Do(histo2, "_x = ([e+]+[e-])->Rapidity(); _y = ([e+]+[e-])->Pt()");