Hello World
//This macro combines several features of Pluto:
// 1.) Setting up a reaction
// 2.) Adding a filter
// 3.) Writing an additional NTuple
// 4.) Making an online histogram
//Create a file for the NTuple:
TFile *f = new TFile("ntuple.root", "RECREATE");
//Create an NTuple with several variables
TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple", "data from Pluto events", "eta_px:eta_py:eta_pz:opang");
//Create a control histo
TH1F *histo1 = new TH1F ("histo1", "dilepton mass with opening angle < 9deg", 100, 0.0, 0.7);
//Define the reaction: pp -> pp eta @ 3.5 kinetic beam energy
PReaction my_reaction("3.5", "p", "p", "p p eta [g dilepton [e+ e-]]", "eta_dalitz");
//Adding a filter
//It is very simple: all variables starting with "#" are recognized as an file event filter
my_reaction.Do("theta_ep = ([e+]->Theta() * 180.)/TMath::Pi()");
my_reaction.Do("theta_em = ([e-]->Theta() * 180.)/TMath::Pi()");
my_reaction.Do("#acc_filter = 1; if theta_ep<18 || theta_ep>85 || theta_em<18 || theta_em>85; #acc_filter = 0");
//Writing variables to an NTuple
my_reaction.Do("eta_px = [eta]->Px() ; eta_py = [eta]->Py() ; eta_pz = [eta]->Pz();");
my_reaction.Do("opang = [e+]->Angle([e-])");
//An additional filter on opening angle...
my_reaction.Do("#opang_filter = 0; if opang > (9./180.)*TMath::Pi(); #opang_filter = 1");
//Some control histo
my_reaction.Do(histo1,"if opang > (9./180.)*TMath::Pi(); _x = ([e+] + [e-])->M()");
cout << my_reaction.Loop(100000) << " events recorded" << endl;