Adds embedded particles in the eta Dalitz decay
PReaction my_reaction(3.13, "p", "p", "p p eta [dilepton [e+ e-] g]", "eta_dalitz_embedded", 1, 0, 0, 0);
//Construct the bulk container:
PEmbeddedParticles *embedded = new PEmbeddedParticles();
//Add an e+ which we emit at a single point:
PParticle *e_plus = new PParticle("e+", 1., 2., 3.);
//Just add the particle to the container:
//We can also add a "white" dilepton, which we emit in a small cone:
PParticle *dilepton = new PParticle("dilepton");
embedded->SetSampling(0, 1., //pmin and pmax in lab frame
TMath::Pi()/1000., //opening angle
TMath::Pi()/2., //Theta of pointing vect.
TMath::Pi()/2., //Phi of pointing vect.
0.2, 1.5 //Mass sampling (optional)
//Add our container to the reaction: