Cocktails for 3.5GeV: the pp reaction
PDecayChannel *c;
PDecayManager *pdm = new PDecayManager;
PParticle *beam = new PParticle(14, 3.5); // beam 14-proton
PParticle *target = new PParticle(14); // target
PParticle *s = new PParticle(*beam + *target);
c = new PDecayChannel; //define reaction channels
c->AddChannel(0.61, "p", "D+");
c->AddChannel(0.03, "p", "p", "eta");
c->AddChannel(0.011, "p", "p", "w");
c->AddChannel(0.02, "p", "p", "rho0");
PDecayChannel *c_d = new PDecayChannel;
c_d->AddChannel(1.0, "e+", "e-");
pdm->AddChannel("dilepton", c_d);
PDecayChannel *c_pi0 = new PDecayChannel; //pi0
c_pi0->AddChannel(.012, "g", "dilepton");
pdm->AddChannel("pi0", c_pi0);
PDecayChannel *c_delta = new PDecayChannel;
c_delta->AddChannel(6.0e-5, "p", "dilepton"); // Delta
c_delta->AddChannel(0.666, "p", "pi0"); // add decay mode with weight + products
pdm->AddChannel("D+", c_delta);
PDecayChannel *c_eta = new PDecayChannel;
c_eta->AddChannel(6.0e-3, "g", "dilepton"); // eta
pdm->AddChannel("eta", c_eta);
PDecayChannel *c_omega = new PDecayChannel;
c_omega->AddChannel(7.0e-5, "e+", "e-"); // omega
c_omega->AddChannel(5.9e-4, "pi0", "dilepton");
pdm->AddChannel("w", c_omega);
PDecayChannel *c_rho = new PDecayChannel; //rho0
c_rho->AddChannel(4.5e-5, "e+", "e-");
pdm->AddChannel("rho0", c_rho);
pdm->InitReaction(s, c); // cocktail production in p + p
Int_t n = pdm->loop(10000, 1, "pp35_cocktail", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1); // make events + vertices
cout << "Events processed: " << n << endl;
//Draw the spectrum:
//data->Draw("M()","ID() == 51 || ID()==52 || ID()==41");