Play with the mass shape of a dummy resonance
Int_t decay_index, pid_resonance;
double f_my_function(double *x, double * par) {
Double_t mass = x[0];
//this is a dummy box:
if ((mass < 1.2) || (mass > 1.5)) return 0;
//add a smooth trailing edge - if wanted
//(if not return a 1)
Double_t width = makeDynamicData()->GetDecayPartialWidth(mass, decay_index);
return width;
void user_mass(void) {
//Add a user-defined particle with mass = 1.25 GeV
pid_resonance = makeStaticData()->AddParticle(-1, "MyResonance", 1.25);
//Set the width (important to enable the m1-decay model for the production)
makeStaticData()->SetParticleTotalWidth("MyResonance", 0.25);
//It must be a hadron:
makeStaticData()->SetParticleBaryon("MyResonance", 1);
//Add some user-defined decays:
decay_index = makeStaticData()->AddDecay("MyResonance --> p + pi-", "MyResonance",
"p,pi-", .5 );
makeStaticData()->AddDecay("MyResonance --> n + pi0", "MyResonance",
"n,pi0", .5 );
makeStaticData()->AddDecay("MyResonance --> n + pi0 + pi0", "MyResonance",
"n,pi0,pi0", 1 );
//N.B.: Branching ratios are re-normalized
listParticle("MyResonance"); //List the data base content
//Add a user-defined mass distribution:
PMassSampling *model = new PMassSampling("mymodel@MyResonance", "My model", -1);
model->SetSamplingFunction(new TF1("mass_function",f_my_function,0.,10.,1));
//Create the reaction and a control histogram
TH1F *histo = new TH1F("histo", "MyResonance mass", 100, 1., 1.6);
PReaction r("1.25", "p", "p", "p MyResonance [p pi-]");
//(Try what happens if you increase the beam energy!)
r.Do(histo, "_x = [MyResonance]->M()");