Using a batch script to simulate pileup
//first, we define in the data base:
//1.) The mean time difference between 2 events
// N.B. the time in Pluto is in mm/s, so we have to convert it
// let us start with 100000 events/s
makeStaticData()->SetBatchValue("beam_particle_mean_time", 10e-5 * TMath::C() / 10e-3);
//2.) The time of the first event (we choose 0)
makeStaticData()->SetBatchValue("absolute_event_time", 0);
//3.) The threshold for a pile-up event (just e.g. 50% of beam_particle_mean_time)
makeStaticData()->SetBatchValue("pileup_time_theshold", 0.5 * 10e-5 * TMath::C() / 10e-3);
//4.) Just a flag for pileup
makeStaticData()->SetBatchValue("pileup_flag", 0);
//this just constructs the temporary particles:
PReaction my_reaction("_T1=2.2", "p", "p", "p p eta", "pileup_eta");
my_reaction.trackedParticles(); //this removes the "empty events"
//the following loop sets the absolute time for each particle
my_reaction.Do("foreach(*); event_time = [*]->T(); [*]->SetT(event_time + absolute_event_time)");
//set a event time difference based on a "flat" distribution
my_reaction.Do("timediff = sampleFlat()*2*beam_particle_mean_time");
//check if the last event was pileup and has been removed:
my_reaction.Do("if !pileup_flag; goto check_pileup");
my_reaction.Do("push(p1); push(p2); push(eta1);");
my_reaction.Do("pileup_flag = 0");
my_reaction.Do("goto event_ok");
//check if we are below threshold
my_reaction.Do("if timediff > pileup_time_theshold; goto event_ok");
//if yes, store particles and kill event
my_reaction.Do("p1 = [p,1]; p2 = [p,2]; eta1 = [eta];");
my_reaction.Do("[p,1]->SetInActive(); [p,2]->SetInActive(); [eta]->SetInActive();");
my_reaction.Do("pileup_flag = 1");
//set the new time for the next event
my_reaction.Do("absolute_event_time = absolute_event_time + timediff");
//this is just for debugging:
my_reaction.Do("time = [p,1]->T(); echo $time");
my_reaction.Do("foreach(*); [*]->Print();");
my_reaction.Print(); //The "Print()" statement is optional