//  Pluto Particle Data
//  This class contains tool functions and variables
//                             Author:  M.A. Kagarlis
//                             Written: 31/01/99
//                             Revised: 24/05/2004 R.H.
//                             Revised particle tables: 09/06/2004 R.H.
//                             Bug fixes: 13/10/2004 R.H.
//                             mu+mu-: 02/02/2005 R.H.
//                             N1535: 25/01/2007 R.H.
//                             Moved the physics to stand-alone classes 
//                                    (IF, 23.7.2007)
//  N.b. that the variables will be moved to the data base soon
//  System variables:
//   _system_alloc_verbosity: set =0 to avoid the ALLOCATION printout

#define INGO_DEBUG

const long double hbar = 6.582122e-25; // units of (GeV s)

// local arrays
#include "PData.h"
#include "PKinematics.h"                          // kinematics in-line functions
#include "PUtils.h"                               // utilities class
#include "TF2.h"

int PData::LPW(const int &id, const int &i1, const int &i2) {
    // lowest allowed transition partial wave for the decay
    // of a hadron (id) to two hadrons (i1 & i2).

    int jres = makeStaticData()->GetParticleSpin(id),  // parent 2 x spin
	j1 = makeStaticData()->GetParticleSpin(i1),    // 1st particle 2 x spin
	j2 = makeStaticData()->GetParticleSpin(i2),    // 2nd particle 2 x spin
	j12max = j1+j2,           // angular momentum limits
	j12min = abs(j1-j2),      // for selection rule
	l = TMath::Min(abs(jres-j12max),abs(jres-j12min))/2,  
	// lowest ang. mom. transfer
	c = (l%2 != abs(makeStaticData()->GetParticleParity(id)
    // parity correction
    return l+c;

int PData::IsMDalitz(const int &idx) {
    // checks if decay mode with index idx is a mesonic Dalitz decay
    // This is calculated here on the fly, dalitz_id is 0 on default

    //TODO: add flag in data base
//    int did=DalitzID[idx];
//    if (did) return (did!=-1) ? did : 0; // -1 means "no"
//    DalitzID[idx]=-1;

    if (!makeStaticData()->IsParticleMeson(makeStaticData()->GetDecayParent(idx))) 
	return 0;
    int i, ic[10];
    ic[0] = 10; 
    makeStaticData()->GetDecayMode(idx, ic);  // retrieve info for current decay mode
    if (!*ic || *ic>2) return 0; // 0 or >2 products; cannot be Dalitz decay
    for (i=1; i<=2; ++i) 
	if (makeStaticData()->IsParticle(ic[i], "dilepton") || 
	    makeStaticData()->IsParticle(ic[i], "dimuon")) {
	return 1;
    return 0;

#include "TApplication.h"
#include "../Version.h"
#include "../Compiled.h"

PSplash *gSplash = 0;             // global pointer to PSplash instance
static PSplash PSplashInstance;   // create instance on library load

#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TMethodCall.h"
//#include "TCint.h"

PSplash::PSplash() {
    if (gApplication)
	if (!gApplication->NoLogoOpt()) {
	    cout << "  *********************************************************" << endl;
	    cout << "  * The Pluto event generator                              " << endl;
	    cout << "  * Developed by HADES and all contributing AUTHORS        " << endl;
	    cout << "  * www-hades.gsi.de/computing/pluto/html/PlutoIndex.html  " << endl;
	    cout << "  * Version: " << version_string << endl;
	    cout << "  * Compiled on " << date_string << endl;
	    cout << "  *********************************************************" << endl;	   	    

