using namespace std;
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "PHadronDecay.h"
PHadronDecay::PHadronDecay() {
PHadronDecay::PHadronDecay(const Char_t *id, const Char_t *de, Int_t key) :
PChannelModel(id, de, key) {
if (is_channel < 0)
Warning("PHadronDecay", "The model (%s) should be bound to CHANNELS only", de);
Int_t tid[11];
tid[0] = 10;
makeStaticData()->GetDecayModeByKey(key, tid);
parent_id = makeStaticData()->GetDecayParentByKey(key);
parent_g0 = makeStaticData()->GetParticleTotalWidth(parent_id);
parent_mass = makeStaticData()->GetParticleMass(parent_id);
if (tid[0] != 2)
Warning("PHadronDecay", "(%s): Only 2 body decay", de);
mass1 = makeStaticData()->GetParticleMass(tid[1]);
mass2 = makeStaticData()->GetParticleMass(tid[2]);
id1 = tid[1];
id2 = tid[2];
if (makeStaticData()->IsParticleMeson(parent_id) ||
PData::IsDelta(parent_id)) {
use_fixed_delta = 1;
fixed_delta = 0.09;
} else
use_fixed_delta = 0;
angular_l = (makeStaticData()->IsParticleMeson(parent_id)) ?
makeStaticData()->GetParticleSpin(parent_id)/2 :
PData::LPW(parent_id, id1, id2);
if (!makeStaticData()->IsParticleMeson(parent_id))
cutoff_l = 1;
cutoff_l = 0;
if (makeStaticData()->IsParticleMeson(parent_id))
use_m0_over_m = 1;
use_m0_over_m = 0;
if ((makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("D++") == parent_id) ||
(makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("D+") == parent_id) ||
(makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("D0") == parent_id) ||
(makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("D-") == parent_id))
use_m0_over_m = 1;
cutoff_version = 0;
version_flag |= VERSION_MASS_SAMPLING;
PDistribution *PHadronDecay::Clone(const char*) const {
return new PHadronDecay((const PHadronDecay &)* this);
Bool_t PHadronDecay::Init(void) {
return kTRUE;
Double_t PHadronDecay::EvalPar(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *) {
return Eval(x[0]);
Double_t PHadronDecay::Eval(Double_t x, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) const {
Double_t res;
Double_t mass[3];
mass[0] = x;
mass[1] = mass1;
mass[2] = mass2;
if (draw_option == 0) {
return ((PChannelModel*)this)->GetWeight(mass);
} else if (draw_option == 1) {
return res;
} else if (draw_option == 2) {
return res;
return 0;
int PHadronDecay::GetDepth(int) {
makeStaticData()->SetDecayEmin(is_channel, mass1+mass2);
return 0;
Bool_t PHadronDecay::SampleMass(void) {
return kTRUE;
Bool_t PHadronDecay::SampleMass(Double_t *mass, Int_t *) {
mass[1] = mass1;
mass[2] = mass2;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t PHadronDecay::GetWidth(Double_t mass, Double_t *width, Int_t) {
if (makeStaticData()->GetPWidx(is_channel) == -1) {
*width = parent_g0;
return kFALSE;
*width = w0*HadronWidth(mass, mass1, mass2);
return kTRUE;
double PHadronDecay::HadronWidth(const double &m, const double &ma, const double &mb) {
double m0 = parent_mass,
ms = ma+mb,
md = m0-ms;
if (m <= ms) return 0.;
double qr2 = PKinematics::pcms2(m0, ma, mb),
q2 = PKinematics::pcms2(m, ma, mb);
if (qr2 == 0)
qr2 = 1;
double q = sqrt(q2/qr2);
if (!id1)
return parent_g0*q*m0/m;
double delta2 = (use_fixed_delta) ? fixed_delta : md*md+0.25*parent_g0*parent_g0;
double cutoff = (qr2 + delta2)/(q2 + delta2);
if (angular_l) {
q = pow(q,2*angular_l+1);
if (cutoff_l)
cutoff = pow(cutoff, angular_l+1);
if (cutoff_version == 1) {
if (angular_l)
cutoff = (1.2)/(1+0.2*pow(q,2*angular_l));
cutoff = (1.2)/(1+0);
} else if (cutoff_version == 2) {
cutoff = 1;
cout << "no cutoff " << is_channel << endl;
cout << "mass " << m << " res: " << q << endl;
q *= parent_g0*cutoff;
return (use_m0_over_m) ? q*pow((m0/m),use_m0_over_m) : q;