#include "PCross.h"
#include "PData.h"
Int_t PCross::ZP=0;
Int_t PCross::AP=0;
Int_t PCross::ZT=0;
Int_t PCross::AT=0;
Double_t PCross::Ebeam=0.0;
Double_t PCross::sqrts=0.0;
Bool_t PCross::sys=0;
Bool_t PCross::doMult=0;
PCross::PCross() {sys=0;}
void PCross::print(int Part=0, Double_t blow, Double_t bup) {
Double_t pmes, sigmes;
if (check(Part)) {
Double_t bmin = 0.;
Double_t bmax = 1.14*(pow(AP,0.3333)+pow(AT,0.3333));
Double_t sigmax = 3.14159*bmax*bmax*10.;
Double_t T = 1000.*calcT(Ebeam);
if (bup>bmax) bup = bmax;
bmin = blow;
Double_t sigreac = 3.1416*(bup*bup - blow*blow)*10.;
Double_t frac = sigreac/sigmax*100;
Double_t Apart = (AP*pow(AT,0.667) + AT*pow(AP,0.667))
int Np = AP - ZP;
int Nt = AT - ZT;
int N = Np + Nt;
int Z = ZT + ZP;
Double_t pim = (5.*N*(N-1.) + N*Z)/(Z*(Z-1.) + N*(N-1) + 4.*N*Z);
Double_t pip = (5.*Z*(Z-1.) + N*Z)/(Z*(Z-1.) + N*(N-1) + 4.*N*Z);
Double_t bstep = (bup-blow)/100.;
Double_t sum1 = 0.;
Double_t sum2 = 0.;
for (Int_t i=1;i<101;i++){
Double_t b=blow + i*bstep;
sum1 = sum1+b;
sum2 = sum2 + b*(Npart(AP,AT,b)+Npart(AT,AP,b));
Double_t NGosset = sum2/sum1;
sigmes = cross(Part,blow,bup);
pmes = sigmes/(sigreac*NGosset);
cout << endl;
cout <<"For reaction ("<<AP<<","<<ZP<<") + ("<<AT<<","<<ZT<<") at "<<Ebeam
<<" AGeV"<<" (sqrt(s) ="<<sqrts<<") with b = "<<bmin<<"-"<<bmax<<" fm:"<<endl<<endl;
cout <<" <A>geom = "<<Apart<<" <N>Gosset = "<< NGosset<< endl;
cout <<" sigR = "<< sigreac<<" mb ("<<frac<<"% of total)"<< endl;
cout <<" Temp at "<< Ebeam<<" AGeV = "<<T<<" MeV"<< endl<<endl;
if ((Part==7)||(Part==8)||(Part==9)){
cout <<" pi-/pi0/pi+ = "<<pim<<":1:"<<pip<< endl;
if (Part==7){
cout <<" pi0 : Prob/part = "<<pmes<<" Mult = "<<pmes*NGosset
<<" Sig = "<<sigmes <<" mb" << endl;
} else if (Part==8) {
cout <<" pi+ : Prob/part = "<<pmes<<" Mult = "<<pmes*NGosset
<<" Sig = "<<sigmes <<" mb" << endl;
} else {
cout <<" pi- : Prob/part = "<<pmes<<" Mult = "<<pmes*NGosset
<<" Sig = "<<sigmes <<" mb" << endl;
} else if (Part==17) {
cout <<" eta : Prob/part = "<<pmes<<" Mult = "<<pmes*NGosset
<<" Sig = "<<sigmes <<" mb" << endl;
} else {
cout <<makeStaticData()->GetParticleName(Part)<<" : Prob = "<<pmes<<" Mult = "<<pmes*NGosset
<<" Sig = "<<sigmes<<" mb" << endl;
Double_t PCross::Npart(int AP, int AT, Double_t b) {
Double_t pom=0.0;
Double_t Rp = 1.14*pow(AP,0.3333);
Double_t Rt = 1.14*pow(AT,0.3333);
Double_t beta=b/(Rp+Rt);
Double_t nu = Rp/(Rp+Rt);
Double_t mu = Rt/Rp;
Double_t F;
if (nu>0.5) {
if (nu>0.5*(1.0+beta)) {
F= (1.0-pow((1.0-pow(mu,2)),1.5))*sqrt(1.0-pow((beta/nu),2));
} else {
F = 0.75*sqrt(1.0-nu)*pow(((1.0-beta)/nu),2)
- 0.125*(3.0*sqrt(1.0-nu)/mu -
} else {
if (nu>0.5*(1.0-beta)) {
F = 0.75*sqrt(1.0-nu)*pow(((1.0-beta)/nu),2) -
0.125*(3.0*sqrt(1.0-nu) - 1.0)*pow(((1.0-beta)/nu),3);
} else {
F = 1.0;
pom = F*AP;
return pom;
Double_t PCross::ratiosignew(Double_t T, Double_t mm) {
Double_t a=T*exp(-mm/T)*sqrt(mm)*(1.5*T+mm)
+ 0.75*1.772454*pow(T,2.5)*(1.-TMath::Erf(sqrt(mm/T)));
Double_t b= T*exp(-547./T)*sqrt(547.)*(1.5*T+547.)
+ 0.75*1.772454*pow(T,2.5)*(1.-TMath::Erf(sqrt(547./T)));
Double_t pom = a/b;
return pom;
void PCross::setSystem(int lAp, int lZp, int lAt, int lZt, Double_t lEbeam, Bool_t flag) {
AP = lAp;
ZP = lZp;
AT = lAt;
ZT = lZt;
Ebeam = lEbeam;
sqrts = sqrt(2.*0.939*(Ebeam+2.*0.939));
doMult = flag;
sys = 1;
void PCross::print(char * Part, Double_t blow, Double_t bup) {
return PCross::print(makeStaticData()->GetParticleID(Part),blow,bup);
void PCross::plot(char * Part, Double_t Rangl, Double_t Rangu,
Double_t blow, Double_t bup, const char * Opt, Int_t color) {
PCross::plot(makeStaticData()->GetParticleID(Part), Rangl,Rangu,blow,bup,Opt,color);
void PCross::plot(int Part, Double_t Rangl,Double_t Rangu,
Double_t blow, Double_t bup, const char *Opt, Int_t color) {
if (check(Part)) {
TF1 *fn1 = new TF1("fn1",PCross::calc,Rangl,Rangu,7);
fn1 -> SetParameters(Part,blow,bup,AT,ZT,AP,ZP);
fn1 -> SetLineWidth(3);
fn1 -> SetLineColor(color);
fn1 -> DrawCopy(Opt);
delete fn1;
Double_t PCross::calc(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
Double_t Ene = x[0];
int Part=(int)par[0];
Double_t blow=par[1];
Double_t bup=par[2];
Int_t At=(Int_t)par[3];
Int_t Zt=(Int_t)par[4];
Int_t Ap=(Int_t)par[5];
Int_t Zp=(Int_t)par[6];
Double_t T = 1000.*calcT(Ene);
Double_t bmax = 1.14*(pow(Ap,0.3333)+pow(At,0.3333));
Double_t sigmax = 3.14159*bmax*bmax*10.;
if (bup>bmax) bup = bmax;
Double_t sigreac = 3.1416*(bup*bup - blow*blow)*10.;
if (doMult) sigreac = 1.;
Double_t Apart = (Ap*pow(At,0.667) + At*pow(Ap,0.667))
int Np = Ap - Zp;
int Nt = At - Zt;
int N = Np + Nt;
int Z = Zt + Zp;
Double_t pim = (5.*N*(N-1.) + N*Z)/(Z*(Z-1.) + N*(N-1) + 4.*N*Z);
Double_t pip = (5.*Z*(Z-1.) + N*Z)/(Z*(Z-1.) + N*(N-1) + 4.*N*Z);
Double_t bstep = (bup-blow)/100.;
Double_t sum1 = 0.;
Double_t sum2 = 0.;
for ( int i=1;i<101;i++){
Double_t b=blow + i*bstep;
sum1 = sum1+b;
sum2 = sum2 + b*(Npart(Ap,At,b)+Npart(At,Ap,b));
Double_t NGosset = sum2/sum1;
Double_t xa = Ene;
Double_t sigpi0;
Double_t sigother;
Double_t sigeta;
Double_t ppi0;
Double_t peta;
Double_t pother;
Double_t pom;
if ((Part==7)||(Part==8)||(Part==9)){
Double_t spi0CC = exp(5.659+1.706*log(xa)-0.620*pow(log(xa),2)+
Double_t spi0CaCa = exp(7.429+1.738*log(xa)-.5599*pow(log(xa),2)-
Double_t alfapi0=0.75+0.045*xa;
Double_t kpi0 =1.05*sqrt(spi0CC*spi0CaCa)/pow(12*40,alfapi0);
Double_t spi0ApAt = kpi0*pow((Ap*At),alfapi0);
ppi0 = spi0ApAt/(sigmax*Apart);
sigpi0 = ppi0*NGosset*sigreac;
if (Part==7) {
pom = sigpi0;
} else if (Part==8) {
pom = sigpi0*pip;
} else {
pom = sigpi0*pim;
} else {
Double_t setaCC = exp(0.470+4.860*log(xa)-1.321*pow(log(xa),2));
Double_t setaCaCa = exp(2.6885+4.2342*log(xa)-1.774*pow(log(xa),2));
Double_t alfaeta = 1.0757 - 0.19524*xa;
Double_t keta = 1.05*sqrt(setaCC*setaCaCa)/pow(12*40,alfaeta);
Double_t setaApAt = keta*pow((Ap*At),alfaeta);
peta = setaApAt/(sigmax*Apart);
sigeta = peta*NGosset*sigreac;
pother = peta*ratiosignew(T,(1000*makeStaticData()->GetParticleMass(Part)));
sigother = pother*NGosset*sigreac;
if (Part==17) {
pom = sigeta;
} else {
pom = sigother;
return pom;
Double_t PCross::cross(char * Part, Double_t blow, Double_t bup) {
return cross(makeStaticData()->GetParticleID(Part),blow,bup);
Double_t PCross::cross(Int_t Part, Double_t blow, Double_t bup) {
Double_t x[1];
Double_t par[7];
if (check(Part)) {
x[0] = Ebeam;
par[0] = Part;
par[1] = blow;
par[2] = bup;
par[3] = AT;
par[4] = ZT;
par[5] = AP;
par[6] = ZP;
return calc(x,par);
return 0.;
Bool_t PCross::check(Int_t Part) {
if (!sys) {
cout << "Sorry, first you have to setSystem()!" << endl;
return kFALSE;
if (Part==0) {
cout << "List of presently supported particles:"<< endl;
cout << "7) pi0"<< endl;
cout << "8) pi+"<< endl;
cout << "9) pi-"<< endl;
cout << "10) K0L"<< endl;
cout << "16) K0S"<< endl;
cout << "17) eta"<< endl;
cout << "52) omega"<< endl;
cout << "55) phi"<< endl;
return kFALSE;
} else if ((Part==7)||(Part==8)||(Part==9)||(Part==10)||(Part==16)||
(Part==17)||(Part==52)||(Part==55)) {
return kTRUE;
} else {
cout <<"Sorry, this particle is not yet supported!" << endl;
return kFALSE;
Double_t PCross::calcT(Double_t Ebeam) {
Double_t sqs = sqrt(2.*0.939*(Ebeam + 2.*0.939));
Double_t mu = 1.308/(1.+0.273*sqs);
return 0.166 - 0.139*mu*mu - 0.053*mu*mu*mu*mu;