// This is the base class for coupled channel sampling distributions
//                                  Author:  I. Froehlich

using namespace std;
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "PChannelModel.h"


PChannelModel::PChannelModel()  {
} ;

PChannelModel::PChannelModel(const Char_t *id, const Char_t *de, Int_t key) :
    PDistribution(id, de) {
    // Constructor for coupled-channel calculations
    // The PChannelModel must be correlated to a key in the PDataBase
    // If "key" < 0, we try to figure out the key by parsing the descriptor

    model_def_key = is_pid = is_channel = -1;
    sec_key = -1;

    if (key < 0) {
	//Needs some parser to find out what we need
	char parser_delim[2] = "_";
	char path_delim      = '/';

	if (key == -2) { // new syntax
	    path_delim = '&';
	    strcpy(parser_delim, "#");

	char *arr1[10+2];
	Int_t arr1_s = 12; //max 10 decay products + parent + id

	Int_t alt_position = 0,
	    path_position  = 0;
	for (Int_t i=strlen(id); i>=0; i--) {
	    if (id[i] == '@') 
		alt_position = i;

	if (alt_position) { 
	    alt_position++; //skip "@"

	char *db_id = new char[strlen(id)+1-alt_position];
	strcpy(db_id, &(id[alt_position]));

	for (Int_t i=strlen(id); i>=alt_position; i--) {
	    if (id[i] == path_delim) 
		path_position = i;

	if (path_position) { 
	    path_position++; //skip "/"
	    model_def_key = makeStaticData()->
		MakeDirectoryEntry("modeldef", NMODEL_NAME, LMODEL_NAME, &(id[path_position]));
	    char *nid = new char[strlen(id)+1];
	    strcpy(nid, id);
	    nid[path_position-1] = '\0';
	    id = nid;

	PUtils::Tokenize(&(id[alt_position]), parser_delim, arr1, &arr1_s);

	if (path_position) { 
	    char *nid = new char[strlen(id)+1];
	    nid[path_position-1] = path_delim;
	    id = nid;

	if ((arr1_s <= 2)) { //Particle
	    key = makeStaticData()->GetParticleKey(arr1[0]);
 	    if (path_position) {
		sec_key = makeStaticData()->GetSecondaryKey(key, model_def_key);
		is_pid  = makeStaticData()->GetParticleIDByKey(key);
		if (sec_key > 0) {
		    key = sec_key;
		} else {
		    key = makeStaticData()->AddAlias(makeStaticData()->
						     GetParticleName(is_pid), db_id);
		    sec_key = key;
		    makeDataBase()->SetParamInt (key, "defkey", &model_def_key);
	} else if (arr1_s > 2) { //Decay

	    Int_t arr1_id[10+2];
	    arr1_id[0] = makeStaticData()->GetParticleID(arr1[0]);
	    for (int i=1; i<=(arr1_s-2); i++) 
		arr1_id[i] = makeStaticData()->GetParticleID(arr1[i+1]);

	    key = makeStaticData()->GetDecayKey(arr1_id, arr1_s-2);
	    if (key<0) key = makeStaticData()->AddDecay(arr1_id, arr1_s-2);
	    is_channel = makeStaticData()->GetDecayIdxByKey(key);

	    //cout << "parse decay got " << key << endl;

 	    if (path_position) {
		//before we continue here, we have to check if alias
		//for this decay already exists
		sec_key = makeStaticData()->GetSecondaryKey(key, model_def_key);
		if (sec_key > 0) {
		    key = sec_key;
		} else {		    
		    key = makeStaticData()->AddAlias(makeStaticData()->GetDecayNameByKey(key), db_id);
		    //defkey has to be stored for future use!
		    makeDataBase()->SetParamInt (key, "defkey", &model_def_key);
		    sec_key = key;

	    //To make life more easy, add "default" track template
 	    Add(arr1[0], "parent");
 	    for (int i=1; i<=(arr1_s-2); i++) 
 		Add(arr1[i+1], "daughter");
 	    preliminary_particles = 1;
	} // end "decay"

	if (alt_position) { 
	    //reset ID:
	    char *newid = new char[alt_position];
	    strncpy(newid, id, alt_position);
	    newid[alt_position-1] = '\0';

    if (key < 0) {
	Warning("PChannelModel", "Primary key not identified");

    primary_key = key;
    width_init  = 0;
    mesh        = NULL;
    loop_flag   = 0;

    if (sec_key < 0) { //No sec. model
	is_channel = makeStaticData()->GetDecayIdxByKey(key);
	is_pid     = makeStaticData()->GetParticleIDByKey(key);

    if (is_pid<0 && !is_channel) {
	Warning("PChannelModel", "Undetermined particle for key %i", key);

    mmin = 0;
    mmax = 0;
    Int_t *maxmesh_db;
    if (makeDataBase()->GetParamInt (key, "maxmesh",&maxmesh_db))
	maxmesh = *maxmesh_db;
	maxmesh = 302;

    draw_option = 0;
    didx_option = -1;
    //some TF1 defaults...

    fNpx  = (maxmesh-1)*3; // 3 interpolation points per meshpoint should be enough
    fNpar = 4;             // Parameter1: Draw mass/width, Parameter2: Draw _specific_ didx for partial decay

    fParams = new TF1Parameters(fNpar);
    for (int i = 0; i < fNpar; i++) {
	fParErrors[i]  = 0;
	fParMin[i]     = 0;
	fParMax[i]     = 0;
    fParams->SetParName(0, "Drawing option: 0: Weigth, 1:Width, 2: BR");
    fParams->SetParName(1, "0: Total weight, 1:Partial width(didx) for Weight");
    fParams->SetParName(2, "Amplitude(abs) for 1st propagator term for didx");
    fParams->SetParName(3, "Amplitude(phase) for 1st propagator term for didx");
    fParams->SetParameter(0, 0);
    fParams->SetParameter(1, -1);
    fParams->SetParameter(2, 0);
    fParams->SetParameter(3, 0);

#if 0
    fNpx       = (maxmesh-1)*3; //3 interpolation points per meshpoint should be enough

    fNpar = 4; //Parameter1: Draw mass/width, Parameter2: Draw _specific_ didx for partial decay
    if (fNpar) {
	fNames      = new TString[fNpar];
	fParams     = new Double_t[fNpar];
	fParErrors  = new Double_t[fNpar];
	fParMin     = new Double_t[fNpar];
	fParMax     = new Double_t[fNpar];
	for (int i = 0; i < fNpar; i++) {
	    fParams[i]     = 0;
	    fParErrors[i]  = 0;
	    fParMin[i]     = 0;
	    fParMax[i]     = 0;
	fNames[0] = "Drawing option: 0: Weigth, 1:Width, 2: BR";
	fNames[1] = "0: Total weight, 1:Partial width(didx) for Weight";
	fNames[2] = "Amplitude(abs) for 1st propagator term for didx";
	fNames[3] = "Amplitude(phase) for 1st propagator term for didx";
    fParams[0] = 0;
    fParams[1] = -1;
    fParams[2] = 0;
    fParams[3] = 0;

    mc_max = 1000; //for the integration methods in Width-mesh calculation

    if (is_pid >= 0) 
	SetDynamicRange(PData::LMass(is_pid), PData::UMass(is_pid));

    if ((is_channel>=0) && (sec_key<0)) {
	exp_w_mean = makeStaticData()->GetDecayBR(is_channel);

    didx_param     = makeDataBase()->GetParamInt("didx");
    scfactor_param = makeDataBase()->GetParamDouble("scfactor");
    unstable_width = makeStaticData()->GetBatchValue("_system_unstable_width");

PDistribution *PChannelModel::Clone(const char *) const {
    return new PChannelModel((const PChannelModel &)* this);

PChannelModel *PChannelModel::GetSecondaryModel(const char *name) {
    sec_key = makeStaticData()->MakeDirectoryEntry("modeldef", NMODEL_NAME, LMODEL_NAME, name);
    if (sec_key < 0) return NULL;

    Int_t listkey = makeStaticData()->GetSecondaryKey(primary_key, sec_key);
    if (listkey < 0) return NULL;

    Int_t model_param = makeDataBase()->GetParamTObj("model");
    TObject *t_result = NULL;
    if (makeDataBase()->GetParamTObj (listkey, model_param, &t_result)) {
	if ((((PChannelModel *) t_result) -> GetDef())  == sec_key) {
	    return (PChannelModel *) t_result;
	} else {
	    Warning("GetSecondaryModel", "Consistency check failed");
	    return NULL;
    return NULL;

Bool_t PChannelModel::SampleMass(Double_t*,  Int_t*) {
    //Samples the masses of the known decay products (or single particle)
    //Order of particles is the same as in data base
    return kFALSE;

Double_t PChannelModel::EvalPar(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *params) {
    if (params) {
	draw_option = (int)params[0];
	didx_option = (int)params[1];

    return Eval(x[0]);
Double_t PChannelModel::Eval(Double_t x, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) const {
    Double_t res;
    Double_t my_x[11];
    Int_t    my_didx_option[11];
    my_x[0] = x;
    my_didx_option[0] = didx_option;

    if (draw_option == 0) {
	return ((PChannelModel*)this)->GetWeight(my_x, my_didx_option);
	//return res;
    if (draw_option == 1) {
	((PChannelModel*)this)->GetWidth(x, &res, didx_option);
	return res;
    if (draw_option == 2) {
	((PChannelModel*)this)->GetBR(x, &res);
	return res;
    if (draw_option == 3) {
	return ((PChannelModel*)this)->GetAmplitude(my_x, my_didx_option).Re();
    if (draw_option == 4) {
	return ((PChannelModel*)this)->GetAmplitude(my_x, my_didx_option).Im();
    return 0;

Double_t PChannelModel::GetWeight(Double_t *mass, Int_t *didx) {
    //Get the weight for the masses of the known decay products 
    //(or single particle)
    //Decay: Order of particles is the same as in data base,
    //mass[0] is the parent mass
    //Single particle: Use only mass[0]

    if (loop_flag > 0) {
	loop_flag = 0;
	return 1.;
    Double_t r = GetAmplitude(mass, didx).Rho2();
    if (loop_flag > 0)
    return r;

TComplex PChannelModel::GetAmplitude(Double_t *mass, Int_t *didx) {
    //Get the amplitude for the masses of the known decay products 
    //(or single particle)
    //Decay: Order of particles is the same as in data base,
    //mass[0] is the parent mass
    //Single particle: Use only mass[0]

    if (loop_flag > 0) {
	loop_flag = 0;
	return TComplex (1., 0, kTRUE);
    TComplex r = TComplex(GetWeight(mass,didx), 0, kTRUE);
    if (loop_flag > 0)
    return r;

Bool_t PChannelModel::GetWidth(Double_t, Double_t *width, Int_t didx) {
    //Calculates the mass-dependent width (either partial for the decay or
    //total for the particles)
    //If didx is set, use the partial width for a particular target channel

    // Use by default only static values
    if (didx >=0 ) {
	//Do not use the local width
	//but use the partial width only
	*width = makeStaticData()->GetDecayPartialWidth(didx);
	return kTRUE;
    if (is_channel) {
	*width = makeStaticData()->GetDecayPartialWidth(is_channel);
	return kTRUE;
    if (is_pid) {
	*width = makeStaticData()->GetParticleTotalWidth(is_pid);
	return kTRUE;
    return kFALSE;

Bool_t PChannelModel::GetBR(Double_t mass, Double_t *br, Double_t totalwidth) {
    //Calculates the mass-dependent br
    //This method is meaningless for particles
    //the totalwidth may be set by the user, otherwise we use the static one

    if (is_pid >= 0)
	return kFALSE;
    Double_t lwidth;

    //test if the GetWidth was overloaded
    //if not, simply use the static values
    if (!GetWidth(mass, &lwidth)) {
 	*br = makeStaticData()->GetDecayBR(is_channel);
 	return kTRUE;
    //Make everything coherent to Dyn.Data
    Double_t sc = 1.;
    Double_t *scfactor = &sc;

    makeDataBase()->GetParamDouble (didx_param, is_channel , scfactor_param, &scfactor);

    lwidth *= *scfactor;
    //if total width is below unstable width-> static BR
    if (totalwidth < 0.)
	totalwidth = makeStaticData()->GetParticleTotalWidth(makeStaticData()->GetDecayParent(is_channel));

    if (totalwidth <= (*unstable_width)) 
	*br = makeStaticData()->GetDecayBR(is_channel);
    else  {
	//if we have a local width, the BR is the partial width divided by total
	*br = lwidth/totalwidth;
    return kTRUE; 

int PChannelModel::GetDepth(int) {
    //By default don't care
    return -1;