//  PChannel Class implementation file
//  PChannel is one of the main classes of Pluto.
//  A Channel object represents one step of a reaction process,
//  namely of a parent particle decaying into n decay products.
//  A Channel consists of parent and decay particles and
//  the decay mode. For an overview of the Pluto package
//  see also PData, PParticle, PReaction, and PFilter.
//                                  Author:  M.A. Kagarlis
//                                  Written: 21.01.99
//                         p+d part revised: 13.10.00 by V. Hejny
//                                  Revised: 19.08.03 by R. Holzmann
//            angular distributions Revised: 08.11.03 by I. Froehlich
//           propagate parent index Revised: 22.03.05 by R. Holzmann
//                     set sourceId Revised: 13.04.05 by R. Holzmann
//                  helicity angles Revised: 28.11.05 by I. Froehlich
//          eta->3pi matrix element Revised: 05.12.05 by I. Froehlich
//             ds_dt(cos) bug fixed Revised: 11.07.06 by R. Holzmann
//            e_cm static bug fixed Revised: 29.08.06 by R. Holzmann

using namespace std;
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>

#include "PDefines.h"

const char *Message[14] = {
    "PChannel: operation successful",
    "PChannel: invalid pids",
    "PChannel: reconstruct failed, increase beam energy",
    "PChannel: decay failed, system invariant mass is zero",
    "PChannel: decay failed, insufficient energy",
    "PChannel: genbod failed, fewer than two decay products",
    "PChannel: genbod failed",
    "PChannel: baryon_cos algorithm failed",
    "PChannel: mflag must be 0 or 1",
    "PChannel: aflag must be 0 or 1",
    "PChannel: bflag must be 0 or 1",
    "PChannel: reconstruct failed for deuteron Fermi sampling",
    "PChannel: invalid decay-mode index in the constructor",
    "PChannel: inconsistent particle array with decay-mode index"};

#include "PChannel.h"
#include "PDynamicData.h"
#include "PUtils.h"
#include "PFileInput.h"
#include "PFireball.h"
#include "PDiLepton.h"
#include "PKinematics.h"

double PChannel::globalWeight = 1.;              // global channel weight

PChannel::PChannel(PParticle **particles, int nt, int, int, int) {
    // Channel constructor by pointer to array of pointers to particles
    // (parent, decay products), number of decay particles (default 2).
    // ____________________________________________________________________________
    // Flags: (obsolete)

    makeStdData()->fillDataBase();//init physics, if not yet done
    init_done = kFALSE;
    e_cm = 0;
    int i, k = -1;
    status = (!particles);         // true if argument pid array is invalid
    n = nt;                        // number of product particles
    if (!status) {
	ipid.Set(n+1);                 // pid array
	for (i=0; i<=n; ++i) {
	    k = particles[i]->ID();      // id of current particle
//      if ((i&&k>1000)||!k) {       // error in pid (Not longer true, IF)
	    if (!k) { 
		status = 1;
	    ipid[i] = k;
    if (status) {                  // failed
	printf("%s:", Message[status]);
	for(i=0; i<=n; i++) printf(" %d", particles[i]->ID());

    ptcls = particles;
    ptcls_extern = -1;

    IsReaction();     // if reaction channel, identify beam, target & decay mode


    w = particles[0]->W();           // weight on instantiation
    ecm = particles[0]->M();         // system invariant mass on instantiation
    DMIndex=makeStaticData()->GetDecayIdx(ipid.GetArray(),n); // match decay mode with PData

PChannel::PChannel(int idx, PParticle **particles, int, int, int) {
    // Channel constructor by decay-mode index
    makeStdData()->fillDataBase();//init physics, if not yet done
    init_done = kFALSE;
    e_cm = 0;
//    status=(idx<0||idx>PData::maxnummodes);
    //get key
    Int_t key = makeDataBase()->GetEntryInt("didx", idx);
    Int_t ia[11];
    ia[0] = 10;
    if (key < 0) {
	printf("%s\n", Message[12]);    // invalid decay mode
    } else 
	makeStaticData()->GetDecayMode(idx,ia); // retrieve decay-mode info

    DMIndex = idx;                   // decay-mode index
    n = ia[0];                       // number of products in current mode
    ipid.Set(n+1);                   // set up pid array
    if (!particles) {                // no particle-array passed as argument
	ptcls = new PParticle*[n+1];   // create channel particle array
	for(int i=0; i<=n; i++) ptcls[i] = 0;
	ptcls_extern = 0;
    } else {
	ptcls = particles;          // copy
	ptcls_extern = -1;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<=n; ++i) {             // fill particle and id arrays
	if (particles) 
	    ipid[i] = particles[i]->ID();
	else {                         // create from decay-mode info
	    if (!i)                      // parent id
		ipid[0] = makeStaticData()->GetDecayParent(idx);
		ipid[i] = ia[i+1];        // product ids
	    ptcls[i] = new PParticle(ipid[i]);
    if (particles) {                 // consistency checks
	ia[0] = ipid[0];               // reset first entry to parent pid
	PUtils::isort(ia, n+1);        // sort pids (parent & products) in ascending order
	TArrayI test(ipid);            // make a copy of channel pid array
	PUtils::isort(test.GetArray(), n+1);// sort as well
	int hit = 0;
	for (i=0; i<=n; ++i)             // ompare id arrays
	    hit += (test[i]==ia[i]);
	if (hit != n) {                  // input array inconsistent with decay-mode index
	    printf("%s\n", Message[13]);
    IsReaction();                  // if reaction channel identify beam, target & decay mode


    w = ptcls[0]->W();               // weight on instantiation
    ecm = ptcls[0]->M();             // system invariant mass on instantiation

PChannel::PChannel(int idx, PParticle &parent, int, int, int) {
    // Channel constructor by decay-mode index and parent reference
    makeStdData()->fillDataBase();//init physics, if not yet done
    init_done = kFALSE;
    e_cm = 0;

    //get key
    Int_t key = makeDataBase()->GetEntryInt("didx", idx);
    Int_t ia[11];
    ia[0] = 10;
    if (key < 0) {
	printf("%s\n", Message[12]);    // invalid decay mode
    } else 
	makeStaticData()->GetDecayMode(idx,ia); // retrieve decay-mode info

    DMIndex = idx;                   // decay-mode index
    n = ia[0];                       // number of products in current mode
    ipid.Set(n+1);                   // set up pid array
    ptcls = new PParticle*[n+1];     // create channel particle array
    ptcls[0] = &parent;
    ptcls_extern = 1;
    ipid[0] = parent.ID();           // parent id

    if (ipid[0] != makeStaticData()->GetDecayParent(idx)) {
	printf("%s\n", Message[13]);
	delete [] ptcls;

    int i;
    for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) {             // fill particle and id arrays
	ipid[i] = ia[i];               // product ids
	ptcls[i] = new PParticle(ipid[i]);

    IsReaction();                    // if reaction channel identify beam, target & decay mode


    w = ptcls[0]->W();                 // weight on instantiation
    ecm = ptcls[0]->M();               // system invariant mass on instantiation

void PChannel::IsReaction() {
    // Identify beam and target if the current channel is a beam + target reaction.
    event_impact_param = (makeStaticData()->GetBatchValue("_event_impact_param"));
    event_plane        = (makeStaticData()->GetBatchValue("_event_plane"));
    weight_version     = makeStaticData()->GetBatchValue("_system_weight_version");

    makeDynamicData()->PushPChannel((TObject *) this);

    parent      = ptcls[0];
    orig_parent = ptcls[0];
    int k = GetParentSize();                   // get parent size
    thSrc = 0;
    tcSrc = 0;
    dlSrc = 0;
    sourceid = 0;
    fEnablePattern = 0;
    thermal_disable_didx = 0;
    num_not_finalized = 0;

    distribution_position = 0;
    print_tentative = kTRUE;
    quasi_pchannel = NULL;
    weight_sum = 0;
    tid = bid = 0;
    bulkdecay_pos = 0;
    pro_bulkdecay_pos = 0;
    current_projector = NULL;

    events = makeStaticData()->GetBatchValue("_system_total_event_number");

    k = GetParentSize();
// The grandparent is not known yet at this stage, it is set in PReaction::setUp() only!


    for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) {
	ptcls[i]->SetValue(CHANNEL_POS, (double)i);

    emin = 0.;                       // channel energy threshold

    if (k == 1) {                              // decay of size=1 parent
	if (parent->IsFireball()) 
	    thSrc = 1;
	else if (parent->IsFileInput()) 
	    tcSrc = 1;
	else if (parent->IsDilepton()) 
	    dlSrc = 1;
	else {
	    //get data base key:
	    decay_key = makeStaticData()->GetDecayKey(ipid.GetArray(), n);

    //Continue with compound parents

    parent->SetParentIndex(-2);              // Set some indexes for the compound object

    tid = ipid[0]/1000;                    // target id
    bid = ipid[0]%1000;                    // beam id

    IdChannel();                             // identify reaction if known
    //get data base key:
    decay_key = makeStaticData()->GetDecayKey(ipid.GetArray(), n);
    if ((decay_key < 0) && (ipid[0]>999)) {
	//If not yet defined, add the decay of composites to the data base
	decay_key = makeStaticData()->AddDecay(ipid.GetArray(), n);
    if (!thSrc && !tcSrc) CheckDecayKey();
    //check for emin in initial states
    for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) { 
	emin += PData::LMass(ptcls[i]->ID());

    //BUGBUG: check for an additional Decayemin

void PChannel::CheckDecayKey(void) const {

    if (decay_key < 0) {
	Error("Initialization", "No database entry for:");
	cout << "               ";
	Error("Initialization", "Bye...");

void PChannel::IdChannel() {
    // Make quasi-channel for d+p reactions

    int i, nucleon_pid;

    spectator       = NULL;
    participant     = NULL;
    quasi_composite = NULL;
    quasi_pchannel  = NULL;

    //Workaround for backward-compatibility
    //check id beam or target is a d, and we have
    //no d in the exit channel. In this case, we
    //construct a helper PChannel in oder to get the
    //"real" scattering

    //First, we check if all particles have the spec flag=-1
    //this is the case when using the decay parser but not "(x)"

    int has_spec = 0;
    for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
	if (ptcls[n]->IsSpectator() != -1)
    if (!has_spec) return;

    has_spec = ptcls[n]->IsSpectator();

    //if spectator model not forced, do it only for d
    if (has_spec == 0) {
	if ((bid != makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("d")) &&
	    (tid  != makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("d")))
	//in this case the, spectator must be a nucleon
	if (!ptcls[n]->IsNucleon()) return;
    for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
	if (!has_spec) {
	    if (ptcls[i]->ID() == makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("d")) 
		return; // coherent scattering
	if (ptcls[i]->ID()>1000) return; //dummy PChannel

    //get the nucleon pid
    if (bid == makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("d")) 
	nucleon_pid = tid;
	nucleon_pid = bid;

    //identify the spectator
    spectator = ptcls[n];

    //identify the participant
    if (spectator->ID() == makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("p"))
	participant = new PParticle("n");
    else if (spectator->ID() == makeStaticData()->GetParticleID("n"))
	participant = new PParticle("p");
    else {
	//loop over first part, misuse "spectator flag"
	for (i=1; i<=(n-1); ++i) {
	    if (ptcls[i]->IsSpectator() == 1)
		participant = new PParticle(ptcls[i]);
	//special case when we have a quasi-reaction (a b) is more complicated
	//in this case b is the participant
	Int_t a_pos = -1;
	for (i=1; i<=(n-1); ++i) {
	    if (ptcls[i]->IsSpectator() == 3)
		participant = new PParticle(ptcls[i]);
	    if (ptcls[i]->IsSpectator() == 2)
		a_pos = i;
	if (a_pos != 1)  {
	    Error("IdChannel","Quasi-reaction must come at first");
	} else if ((a_pos == 1) && (participant)) {//....  a and b have to be removed
	    for (i=1; i<=(n-3); ++i) {
		ptcls[i] = ptcls[i+2];
		ipid[i]  = ipid[i+2];
	    n -= 2;

	if (!participant) {
	    Warning("IdChannel", "No valid spectator found");

    PParticle dummy(nucleon_pid);
    if (nucleon_pid == tid) { //d beam
	quasi_composite = new PParticle(*participant + dummy);
    } else {
	quasi_composite = new PParticle(dummy + *participant);  
    PParticle **cc1 = new PParticle*[3];   // create channel particle array
    cc1[0] = parent;
    cc1[1] = quasi_composite;
    cc1[2] = spectator;

    quasi_pchannel = new PChannel(cc1,2);

    //now we have to touch a little bit myself:
    //the spectator is removed from the list, and the parent id replaced by
    //the dummy composite
    Info("IdChannel", "(%s) Quasi-free production", PRINT_AUTO_ALLOC);

    parent      = quasi_composite;
    orig_parent = quasi_composite;
    ptcls[0]    = quasi_composite;
    ipid[0]     = quasi_composite->ID();

void PChannel::ThermalSampling() {
    // parent is midrapidity thermal source

    double px, py, pz, Energy;
    float b = 0., phi = 0.;
    int i, nTherm = n;
    PFireball *pFire =          // pointer to thermal source
	(ptcls[0]->IsFireball()) ? (PFireball *)ptcls[0] : NULL;

    if (pFire->IsRandomB()) {             // sample impact parameter
	if (*event_impact_param == 0.) {
	    b = pFire->sampleB() + 0.001;     // sample new value
	    phi = 2.*TMath::Pi()*PUtils::sampleFlat(); // ev plane
	} else {
	    b   = *event_impact_param;    // use previous value
	    phi = *event_plane;
	nTherm = pFire->sampleNProd(b);
	if (nTherm > n) nTherm = n;
    } else if (pFire->IsRandomN()) {        // sample multiplicity directly
	nTherm = pFire->sampleNProd();
	if (*event_plane == 0.) 
	    phi = 2.*TMath::Pi()*PUtils::sampleFlat(); // ev plane
	    phi = *event_plane;
	if (nTherm > n) 
	    nTherm = n;

    *event_impact_param = b;
    *event_plane        = phi;
    for(i=1; i<=nTherm; i++) {
	int didx = ptcls[i]->GetDecayModeIndex(1);
	if (nTherm == 1) {
	    pFire->samplePartCM(px, py, pz, Energy,didx);
	} else {
	    //when having more then one product with different didx
	    //it causes endless time because the 2dim ROOT sampling
	    //will regenerate the polynomials each time
	    if (thermal_disable_didx)
		pFire->samplePartCM(px, py, pz, Energy, -1);
	    else if ((i>1) && didx != ptcls[i-1]->GetDecayModeIndex(1)) {
		//inconsistent didx -> disable
		thermal_disable_didx = 1;
		Warning("ThermalSampling","Different decays, disable partial decay sampling");
	    } else {
		pFire->samplePartCM(px, py, pz, Energy, didx);
	ptcls[i]->SetPxPyPzE(px, py, pz, Energy);
	if (ptcls[i]->M() < PData::LMass(ptcls[i]->ID()) || ptcls[i]->M() > PData::UMass(ptcls[i]->ID())) goto redo_thermal; //DONEv6
	ptcls[i]->SetW(w*(pFire->mtScale(ptcls[i]->M())));  // weight * mt-scaling
	if (sourceid) 
    for(i=nTherm+1; i<=n; i++) {
	ptcls[i]->SetInActive();  // inactivate rest

    TVector3 Beta = pFire->BoostVector();
    if (Beta.Mag() > 0.) {
	for(i=1; i<=nTherm; ++i) {

void PChannel::MakeDilepton() {
    // parent is dilepton source

    double px, py, pz, Energy;
    PDiLepton * pDL =          // pointer to dilepton
	(ptcls[0]->IsDilepton()) ? (PDiLepton *)ptcls[0] : NULL;

    pDL->samplePartCM(px, py, pz, Energy);
    ptcls[1]->SetPxPyPzE(px, py, pz, Energy);

    TVector3 Beta=pDL->BoostVector();
    if (Beta.Mag()>0.) ptcls[1]->Boost(Beta);

Int_t PChannel:: ReadFileInput() {  // parent is file input

    Double_t px, py, pz, Energy, vx, vy, vz, vt;
    Float_t b = 0., phi = 0.;
    Int_t id, idSrc, idPar, indPar = -2, ret;
    Int_t i, nFile = 0, nMax;
    PFileInput *pFile =             // pointer to file input interface
	(ptcls[0]->IsFileInput()) ? (PFileInput*)ptcls[0] : NULL;

    nMax = nFile = pFile->readEventHeader(b);  // read event header
    if (nFile == -1) {
	printf("**** EOF reached on file input ****\n");
	for(i=1; i<=n; i++) 
	    ptcls[i]->SetInActive();  // inactivate all
	return 8;

    if (nMax > n) nMax = n;
    if (*event_impact_param == 0.) {
	phi = 2.*TMath::Pi()*PUtils::sampleFlat(); // ev plane
    else {
	b =   *event_impact_param;           // use previous value
	phi = *event_plane;

    *event_impact_param = b;
    *event_plane = phi;
    for(i=1; i<=nFile; i++) {
	ret = pFile->readParticle(px,py,pz,Energy,vx,vy,vz,vt,id,idSrc,idPar,indPar,w);
	if (ret == -1) break;  // EOF
	if (i > n) continue;
	ptcls[i]->SetID(id);           // reset particle ID
	ptcls[i]->SetPxPyPzE(px, py, pz, Energy);
	ptcls[i]->ResetE();            // make Energy consistent with mass
    if (ret == -1) return 8;
    for(i=nMax+1; i<=n; i++) 
	ptcls[i]->SetInActive();  // inactivate rest

    TVector3 Beta = pFile->BoostVector();
    if (Beta.Mag() > 0.) 
	for(i=1; i<=nMax; ++i) 
    return 0;

int PChannel::CheckSiblings(PParticle *p, PDistribution *dist, int flag) {
    if (p == NULL) {
	return -1;

    if (p->GetParent()) //Fireball daughters: no check for siblings
	if ((p->GetParent()->ID() > 500) && (p->GetParent()->ID() <1000)) return -1;

    if (p->ID() >= 1000) return -1; //no sibling for compounds

   //  cout << "******************checkSiblings for " <<dist->GetName() <<   ", SEED: " << endl;
//      p->Print();
    PParticle *currentSibling = p->GetSibling();   
    Int_t counter = 0; //break condition
    Int_t ret     = -1;
    while (currentSibling != p) {
	if (currentSibling == NULL) return ret;
	if (ret == 0) { //found one more "additional" sibling -> reset 
	    ret = -1;
  	//cout << "My sibling is:" << endl;

	if (dist->SetParticle(currentSibling, currentSibling->ID(), flag | PARTICLE_LIST_SIBLING) == 0) { 
	    //I found the missing sibling
	    ret = 0;
	    //cout << "found the missing sibling" << endl;
	//jump to next sibling
	currentSibling = currentSibling->GetSibling();
	if (counter == 8) { //max 7 decay particles
	    Warning("CheckSiblings", "Sibling chain seems to be corrupted");
	    return -1;
//     cout << "RET: " << ret << endl;
//     dist->Print();
    if (ret == -1) dist->ResetRelatives(flag | PARTICLE_LIST_SIBLING); //RESET current flag
    return ret;

Bool_t PChannel::Reset() {
    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) {
	dist[j]->SetEnable(1); //can be done as disabled distr. are never attached

    grandparent      = NULL;
    grandgrandparent = NULL;
    init_done        = kFALSE;

    return kTRUE;

Bool_t PChannel::SetDaughters() {
    if (thSrc || tcSrc)  return kTRUE; //makes no sense and print errors
    if (parent->IsActive() == kTRUE) {
	for (Int_t k=1; k<=n; k++) {
    return kTRUE;

Bool_t PChannel::Init() {
    //On the 1st call, set the grandparent, etc...
    //look for tentative distributions
    int has_printed = 0;
    //set parent, grandparent
    if (orig_parent != ptcls[0]) {
	//Workaround for PlutoBulkDecay
	parent = ptcls[0];
	*orig_parent = *(ptcls[0]);

    grandparent = parent->GetParent();
    grandgrandparent = NULL;
    if (grandparent) 
	grandgrandparent = grandparent->GetParent();

    Double_t set_mode_index = 0;

    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	if (dist[j]->GetVersionFlag() & VERSION_INVERT_WEIGHTING) {
	} else if ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag() & VERSION_WEIGHTING) 
		   && (dist[j]->GetVersionFlag() & VERSION_GENERATOR_MC) 
//		   && (dist[j]->GetExpectedWeightMean() < 0) 		
// This must be disabled, otherwise the Delta mass is not taken correctly
// Mass shape of the epja figure disagrees for sampling/weighting method		   
		   ) {
	} else if (dist[j]->GetVersionFlag() & VERSION_FORCE_NO_PARTIAL_WIDTH) 
	    set_mode_index =  set_mode_index + 2;

    if (set_mode_index < 2)  //
    else {

    if (parent->IsActive() == kTRUE) {
	Int_t parId, parInd;
	for (Int_t k=1; k<=n; k++) {
	    ptcls[k]->SetActive();          // activate children
	    if (sourceid) 

	    parId  = parent->ID();
	    parInd = parent->GetIndex();
	    if ((parId==50 || parId==51) && grandparent!=NULL) {
		parId += 1000*(grandparent->ID()); // if parent = dilepton,
		// add grandparent id
		parInd = grandparent->GetIndex();
	    if (k != n) {
	    } else {
    } //end parent active

    // check tentative distributions for additional particles

    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) {
	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == -1) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //not all particles set
	    if (has_printed == 0 && print_tentative) {
		has_printed = 1;
		cout << "checking tentative distributions for ";
		if (grandparent) {
		    if (grandparent->ID() < 1000)
			printf("%s --> ",makeStaticData()->GetParticleName(grandparent->ID()));
		cout << endl;
	    if (print_tentative) 
		printf("                             [checking] %s\n",
	    //check grand(grand)parent itself

	    if (grandparent) {
		if (grandparent->ID() < 1000)
		    dist[j]->SetParticle(grandparent, grandparent->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDPARENT);
		    dist[j]->SetParticle(grandparent, DISTRIBUTION_QUASI_PID, PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDPARENT);
	    if (grandgrandparent) {
		if (grandgrandparent->ID() < 1000)
		    dist[j]->SetParticle(grandgrandparent, grandgrandparent->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDGRANDPARENT);
		    dist[j]->SetParticle(grandgrandparent, DISTRIBUTION_QUASI_PID, PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDGRANDPARENT);
#if 1
	    //sometimes we have to jump over a compound particle
	    if (parent->ID() >= 1000) {
		if (parent->GetScattering(0)) {
		    dist[j]->SetParticle(parent->GetScattering(0), parent->GetScattering(0)->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDPARENT);
		    dist[j]->SetParticle(parent->GetScattering(1), parent->GetScattering(1)->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDPARENT);
	    } else if (grandparent) {
		if (grandparent->ID() >= 1000) {
		    if (grandparent->GetScattering(0)) {
			dist[j]->SetParticle(grandparent->GetScattering(0), grandparent->GetScattering(0)->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDGRANDPARENT);
			dist[j]->SetParticle(grandparent->GetScattering(1), grandparent->GetScattering(1)->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDGRANDPARENT);


	    //check siblings for parent, grandparent, grandgrandparent	  
	    CheckSiblings(parent, dist[j], PARTICLE_LIST_PARENT);
	    if (grandparent) {
		CheckSiblings(grandparent, dist[j], PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDPARENT);
		if (grandgrandparent)
		    CheckSiblings(grandgrandparent, dist[j], PARTICLE_LIST_GRANDGRANDPARENT);

	    //check for granddaughters...
	    for (Int_t k=1; k<=n; k++) {
		//looping over daughters
		int kk = 0;
		while (ptcls[k]->GetDaughter(kk) != NULL) {  
	    //final check
	    if (dist[j]->GetStatus() == -1) { //not all particles set
		if (print_tentative) printf("                             [removed] %s\n",dist[j]->GetDescription());
	    else {
		if (dist[j]->Init() == kTRUE) {
		    if (print_tentative) printf("                             [enabled] %s\n",dist[j]->GetDescription()); }
		else {
		    printf("                             [error] %s:%s\n",dist[j]->GetDescription(),dist[j]->GetIdentifier());

    //after all, look for artificial models (primary)
    //this can happen when parent is composite

    Int_t num_mass_sampling = 0;
    if (parent->ID() > PLUTO_COMPOSITE) {
	for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	    if (dist[j]->GetVersionFlag() & VERSION_MASS_SAMPLING) {
		if (num_mass_sampling)
    // end check tentative distributions
    init_done       = kTRUE;
    print_tentative = kFALSE;

    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //all particles set
	    dist[j]->GetDepth();  //Init sub-models

    return kTRUE;

// Bool_t PChannel::InitEnv() {
//   //Init "envelope" afterburner for distributions spanning over a chain
//   cout << "**********init env" << endl; 
//   for (Int_t k=1;k<=n;k++) {
//     //looping over daughters
//     int kk=0;
//     ptcls[k]->Print();
//     while (ptcls[k]->GetDaughter(kk) != NULL) {  
//       cout << "found:" << endl;
//       ptcls[k]->GetDaughter(kk)->Print();
//       for (int j=0;j<distribution_position;j++) {
// 	dist[j]->Print();
// 	cout << dist[j]->GetStatus() << ":" << dist[j]->GetEnable() << endl;
// 	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == -1) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //not all particles set
// 	  dist[j]->SetParticle(ptcls[k]->GetDaughter(kk), 
// 			       ptcls[k]->GetDaughter(kk)->ID(), 
// 	}
//       }
//       kk++;
//     }
//   }
// }

int PChannel::Decay() {
    // The N-body phase-space decay function is based on the CERNLIB
    // routine GENBOD. 
    // Return code:
    // status = 0  all ok
    //        = 1  not used
    //        = 2  weighting negative
    //        = 3  not enough energy
    //        = 4  not enough energy to decay to final state
    //        = 5  genbod error (energy violation)
    //        = 6  genbod error (kinematics failed)
    //        = 7  genbod error (energy violation)
    //        = 8  EOF on input in PFileInput::readParticle()
    //        = 9  not used
    //        = 10 Abort distribution rejection after 10 times, do chain again
    //        = 11 Fermi sampling failed for deuteron wave function
    // > 80 is for PReaction
    //        = 80 Empty event

    TVector3 vCreation, vDecay;
    Double_t tCreation, tDecay;

    if (!init_done) Init();

    if (parent->IsActive() == kFALSE) {
	for (Int_t k=1; k<=n; k++) 
	    ptcls[k]->SetInActive();  // inactivate children
	return STATUS_OK;
    else {
	for (Int_t k=1; k<=n; k++) {
	    if (ptcls[k]->ID() > 0)
	// re-activate children as they are de-activated in PReaction
	//Vertex calculations have to be done in each decay
	vCreation = parent->GetVertex();  // creation vertex of parent
	tCreation = parent->T();          // creation time of parent
	tDecay = tCreation + parent->Gamma() * parent->GetProperTime();
	vDecay = vCreation + parent->Gamma() * parent->GetProperTime()
	    * parent->BoostVector();  // decay vertex of parent
	for (Int_t k=1; k<=n; k++) {
	    ptcls[k]->SetProperTime();           // proper decay time (in mm/c)
	    ptcls[k]->SetVertex(vDecay,tDecay);  // set creation vertex of product
	    // ptcls[k]->clearDebugString();  BUGBUG

    int decay_done[n+1];
    int real_size = n+1;
    for (int i=0; i<=n; i++) {
	decay_done[i] = 0;
    for (int bu=0; bu<pro_bulkdecay_pos; bu++) {
	pro_bulk[bu]->Modify(ptcls, decay_done, &real_size, n+1);

    w = parent->W();
    int i, nProd = n;

    status = 0;
    num_not_finalized = 0;

    if (thSrc) {                   // parent is a midrapidity thermal source
	decay_done[0] = 1;
	for (int bu=0; bu<bulkdecay_pos; bu++)
	    bulk[bu]->Modify(ptcls, decay_done, &real_size, n+1);

	return status;

    if (tcSrc) {                   // parent is transport code (file input)
	status = ReadFileInput();
	return status;

    if (dlSrc) {                   // parent is a Dilepton
	return status;

    ecm = parent->M();

    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //all particles set
    } //Prepare can change the parent mass

    if (ecm < emin) {
	// cout << "ecm: " << ecm << " emin: " << emin <<  endl;
 	// parent->Print();
 	// Print();
	return status = 4; // not enough energy to do the channel
    Int_t do_flag = 1, 
	distr_status = 0;
    while (do_flag) {  // do genbod loop until all distributions are convinced
	status = Genbod(nProd);  // induce first isotropic decay
	distr_status = 0;

	for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	    if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()) { //all particles set
		if (dist[j]->IsNotRejected() == kFALSE) { 
		    if (dist[j]->CheckAbort()) {
			do_flag = 1000000;//set to big number, next step will abort
	    } //end if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable())
	} // end for (int j=0;j<distribution_position;j++)

	if (distr_status) {// did not work out...
	    if (do_flag > 10) { // abort after 10 times, do chain again
		status  = 10;
		do_flag = 0;
	} else {
	    do_flag = 0;
    } //end while (do_flag)

    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //all particles set
	    if (!dist[j]->Finalize()) {
		//distribution is waiting for more....
		if (num_not_finalized < MAX_NUM_NOT_FINALIZED) {
		    distribution_not_finalized[num_not_finalized] = dist[j];
		} else {
		    Error("Decay","MAX_NUM_NOT_FINALIZED reached");

    if (status) return status;                  // genbod failed

    //In a first step collect all weights from all distributions
    //This we have to do because in the increment we have to 
    //use the stat. scaling with 1/w
    Double_t new_weight              = ptcls[0]->W();
    Double_t hidden_generator_weight = ptcls[0]->GenW();
    Double_t inv_generator_weight    = ptcls[0]->InvGenW();
    Double_t dynamic_range = 1.;

    if (*weight_version) {	
#if 1
	Double_t generator_weight = hidden_generator_weight; 
	for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	    if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //all particles set
		dist_weight[j] = dist[j]->GetWeight();
		if ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_INVERT_WEIGHTING) { //Here I assume a "generator"
		    generator_weight *= dist_weight[j];
		    dynamic_range    *= dist[j]->GetDynamicRange();
	for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	    if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //all particles set
		if (((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_INVERT_WEIGHTING) ||
		    ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_WEIGHTING)) {
		    Double_t local_weight = dist_weight[j];
		    //weighting is enabled
		    if ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_GENERATOR_MC) { 
			//Pure function models
			//--> These are function for which we have
			//Int dx dsigma/dx = sigma
			//In this case, the boundaries have to be taken into account
			//This is the Delta_x in the MC integral
			local_weight *= dynamic_range;
			dynamic_range = 1.;

		    if (dist[j]->GetExpectedWeightMean() > 0) { //re-scaling is allowed
			if ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_INVERT_WEIGHTING) {
			    local_weight = (1./local_weight);
			} else {
			    //Weighting model
			    dist[j]->IncrementWeightSum(local_weight, 1./generator_weight);
			local_weight *= (dist[j]->GetExpectedWeightMean()/dist[j]->CalcWeightMean());

		    new_weight *= local_weight;  //fold with local weights
		    dist_weight_sum[j] += local_weight;
		} else { //for sampling models use just the mean
		    if (dist[j]->GetExpectedWeightMean() > 0) {
			new_weight *= dist[j]->GetExpectedWeightMean();
			dist_weight_sum[j] += dist[j]->GetExpectedWeightMean();
			//If we have broad resonances, like in the case
			//Delta->dilepton + gamma we have to keep the information
			//about the generator
			//this is only possible if we "push" the history of used generators
			//to the next PChannel(s)
			//check if weight is what we expect
			Double_t local_weight = dist_weight[j];
			//		hidden_generator_weight *=local_weight;
			Double_t inv_local_weight = 0.;
			if (local_weight > 0.) 
			    inv_local_weight = (1./local_weight);
			//		inv_generator_weight*=(inv_local_weight/dist[j]->CalcWeightMean());
		    // else {
		    // 	new_weight*=dist_weight[j];
		    // }

	if (new_weight <= 0.) 
	    return status = 2; // something wrong

	weight_sum += new_weight;	

//     for (i=1;i<=nProd;++i) {
// 	ptcls[i]->Print();
//     }

    TVector3 beta = parent->BoostVector();        // inv. mass velocity vector
    if (beta.Mag() > 0.) 
	for (i=1; i<=nProd; ++i) 

    for (i=1; i<=nProd; ++i) {
	ptcls[i]->SetParent(parent); // set pointer to parent
#if 0
    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //all particles set
    decay_done[0] = 1;
    for (int bu=0; bu<bulkdecay_pos; bu++)
	bulk[bu]->Modify(ptcls, decay_done, &real_size, n+1);

    return status;

int PChannel::Genbod(int nProd) {
    // N-body phase-space decay of a particle in its rest frame,
    // wrapper function to all the distribution methods

    int i; 
    double conserve_e = 0., 
    Bool_t PDistribution_sampleMass  = kFALSE;
    int PDistribution_sampleMomentum = 0, 
	PDistribution_sampleModels   = 0;

    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()) { //all particles set
	    if ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_SAMPLING)
		if (dist[j]->SampleMass()) {
		    PDistribution_sampleMass = kTRUE;
		    for (i=0; i<nProd; ++i) {
			em[i] = ptcls[i+1]->M(); //copy particle mass to array

    conserve_e = ptcls[0]->M(); //take into account possible reconstruct

    if (PDistribution_sampleMass == kFALSE) { //No user-defined distribution    
	Warning("Genbod","No mass sampling model(s) found in %s",
	return status = 6;
    } else { //Recalculate total energy (for user-defined mass sampling)
	for (i=0; i<nProd; ++i) 
	    conserve_e -= em[i];
    if ((conserve_e < -1.e-8) && (nProd>1) ) {
      // cout << "***********" << endl;
      // for (i=0;i<=nProd;++i) ptcls[i]->Print();
      // cout << conserve_e << endl;
	return status = 5;
    conserve_e = ptcls[0]->M();

//     cout << ecm << endl;
//     ptcls[0]->Print();

    Int_t last_sampling_model = 0;

    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //all particles set
	    if ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_SAMPLING) {
		if (dist[j]->SampleMomentum()) {
		    if (!PDistribution_sampleMomentum) last_sampling_model = j;
	    if (PDistribution_sampleMomentum > 1) {
		Warning("Genbod", "More than one momentum sampling model found in %s",
		Warning("Genbod","Model 1: [%s]", dist[last_sampling_model]->GetIdentifier());
		Warning("Genbod","Model 2: [%s]", dist[j]->GetIdentifier());
		return status=6;

    if (PDistribution_sampleModels == 0) {
	Warning("Genbod","No momentum sampling model found in %s",
	return status = 6;

    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	if ((dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) && dist[j]->GetEnable()){ //all particles set
	    if ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_SAMPLING)

    //check conservation of energy again
    for (i=0; i<nProd; ++i) 
	conserve_e -= ptcls[i+1]->E();

    if (fabs(conserve_e) > 1.e-8) {
 	 // cout << "*************conserve_e" << conserve_e  << endl;
 	 // ptcls[0]->Print();
 	 // for (i=0;i<nProd;++i) ptcls[i+1]->Print();
 	 // cout << "*************" << endl;
	return status = 7; // conservation of energy violated

    else return status=STATUS_OK;

int PChannel::SetDistribution(PDistribution *distribution) {
    //return -1 if distribution does not match the channel

    if (distribution->GetEnable() == 0) return -1;

    if (distribution_position == MAX_DISTRIBUTIONS) {
	Warning("SetDistribution","MAX_DISTRIBUTIONS reached");
	return -1;

    Int_t check = 0;

    PParticle *p0 = ptcls[0];
    //The grand(grand)parent and sisters not known yet at this stage, 
    //will be done "online"
    //The only thing what I can do here is to have a 1st rough look


//    if (p0->ID() < 1000) //skip quasi-particles
//	check = distribution->SetParticle(p0, p0->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_PARENT); 
//    else
//	check = distribution->SetParticle(p0, DISTRIBUTION_QUASI_PID, PARTICLE_LIST_PARENT); 

//either one of these methods has to work:
    check = distribution->SetParticle(p0, p0->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_PARENT); 
    if (check<0 && (p0->ID() > 1000))
	check = distribution->SetParticle(p0, DISTRIBUTION_QUASI_PID, PARTICLE_LIST_PARENT); 

    for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
	check += distribution->SetParticle(ptcls[i+1], ptcls[i+1]->ID(), PARTICLE_LIST_DAUGHTER); 
    check += distribution->CheckDaughters(); //Are we still a daughter missing?

    if (!strcmp(distribution->GetName(), "_testmodel"))
	cout << "Check number in PChannel::SetDistribution: " << check << endl;
    //now check if this worked out....
    if (check < 0) {
	//forget it!
	if (distribution->debug_flag)

	return -1;

    //Clone the distribution (done before in PDistributionManagerUtil)
    distribution = (PDistribution*) distribution->Clone();
    if (distribution->GetStatus() == 0) { //we are complete
	//cout << distribution->GetName() << " attached at" <<  distribution_position   << endl;
	if (distribution->Init() == kFALSE) {
	    printf("                             [error] %s:%s\n",distribution->GetDescription(),distribution->GetIdentifier());
	} else {
	    distribution->GetDepth();  //Init sub-models
	    dist[distribution_position] = distribution;
    } else { //if we are not yet complete, relatives are used
	if (init_done) { //relatives are already available
	    if (distribution->GetStatus() == 0) { //we are complete
		if (distribution->Init() == kFALSE) {
		    printf("                             [error] %s:%s\n",distribution->GetDescription(),distribution->GetIdentifier());
		} else {
		    distribution->GetDepth();  //Init sub-models
		    dist[distribution_position] = distribution;
		//printf("                             [incomplete] %s\n",distribution->GetDescription());
	} else { //END init_done
	    dist[distribution_position] = distribution;
    } //...end not yet complete

    return 0;

void PChannel::GetMessage() { printf(" %s\n",Message[status]); }

char const *PChannel::GetName(void) const {
    //returns the name from the data base
    if (!thSrc && !tcSrc && !dlSrc) {
	//Here, the string from PData should be used!!!
	if (decay_key < 0 ) {
	    Warning("GetName", "No decay key found");
	return makeStaticData()->GetDecayNameByKey(decay_key);
    if (thSrc) 
	return " Fireball";
    else if (tcSrc) 
	return " File Input";
    else if (dlSrc) 
	return " Dilepton source";
    return "<unknown>";

void PChannel::PrintReport() const {
    cout << "Weighting report" << endl;
    for (int j=0;j<distribution_position;j++) { //loop over all valid distributions
	printf("        [%s] %s\n",dist[j]->GetIdentifier(),dist[j]->GetDescription());

// 	if (((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_INVERT_WEIGHTING) ||
// 	    ((dist[j]->GetVersionFlag()) & VERSION_WEIGHTING)) {

	    if (dist[j]->GetExpectedWeightMean() > 0) { //re-scaling is allowed
		cout << "Expected mean: " << dist[j]->GetExpectedWeightMean() << " Reached: " 
		     << dist_weight_sum[j]/dist_counter[j] << endl;
		cout << "Calc mean: " << dist[j]->CalcWeightMean() << endl;
	    } else {
		cout << "Mean: " << dist_weight_sum[j]/dist_counter[j] << endl;
//	}

void PChannel::PrintReaction(Int_t check_key) const {

    if (check_key) {
	if (!thSrc && !tcSrc && !dlSrc) {
	    if (decay_key < 0 ) {
		Warning("PrintReaction", "No decay key found");
	    cout << makeStaticData()->GetDecayNameByKey(decay_key) << endl;

    int j;

    if (thSrc) 
    else if (tcSrc) 
	printf("File Input");
    else if (dlSrc) 
	printf("Dilepton source");
	printf("%s", makeStaticData()->GetParticleName(ipid[0]));
    printf(" --> %s", makeStaticData()->GetParticleName(ipid[1]));
    for (j=2; j<=n; ++j) 
	printf(" + %s",makeStaticData()->GetParticleName(ipid[j]));
    cout << endl;

void PChannel::PrintNew() {
    Long_t nPattern = 0;
    for (int j=0; j<distribution_position; j++)
	if (dist[j]->GetEnable() != 0) {
	    nPattern += ((j<64) ?  1<<(j+1) : 0);
    if (nPattern & (~fEnablePattern)) { 
	fEnablePattern |= nPattern;

void PChannel::Print(const Option_t *delme) const {
    int j;

    if (quasi_pchannel)

    printf("        Interaction model(s):\n");
    for (j=0;j<distribution_position;j++) {
	if (dist[j]->GetEnable() != 0) {
	    if (dist[j]->GetStatus() == 0) { //all particles set 
		dist[j]->GetDepth();  //Init sub-models
		if (dist[j]->Path())
		    printf("        [%s] %s {/%s}",dist[j]->GetIdentifier(),dist[j]->GetDescription(),dist[j]->Path());
		    printf("        [%s] %s",dist[j]->GetIdentifier(),dist[j]->GetDescription());
		cout << endl;
	    } else
		printf("        [%s,tentative] %s\n",dist[j]->GetIdentifier(),dist[j]->GetDescription());
	    if (delme != NULL && strcmp(delme,"debug") == 0) {

    if (thSrc) ((PFireball * )parent)->Print("      ");

    if (bulkdecay_pos || pro_bulkdecay_pos) {
	printf("        Bulk Classes:\n");
	if (pro_bulkdecay_pos) {
	    printf("          Prologue: ");
	    for (j=0;j<pro_bulkdecay_pos;j++) 
		cout << "<" << pro_bulk[j]->ClassName() << "> ";
	    cout << endl;
	if (bulkdecay_pos) {
	    printf("          Epilogue: ");
	    for (j=0;j<bulkdecay_pos;j++) 
		cout << "<" << bulk[j]->ClassName() << "> ";
	    cout << endl;


Bool_t PChannel::AddBulk(PBulkInterface *mybulk) {
    //Add a bulk interface to the list
    //Each bulk object will be executed during the event loop
    //after the normal decay
    if (bulkdecay_pos == MAX_BULKDECAY ) {
	Error("AddBulk","MAX_BULKDECAY reached");
	return kFALSE;
    if (bulkdecay_pos && (bulk[bulkdecay_pos-1]->GetPriority() > mybulk->GetPriority())) {
	bulk[bulkdecay_pos]   = bulk[bulkdecay_pos-1];
	bulk[bulkdecay_pos-1] = mybulk;
    } else

    return kTRUE;

Bool_t PChannel::AddPrologueBulk(PBulkInterface * mybulk) {
    //Add a bulk interface to the list
    //Each bulk object will be executed during the event loop
    //before the normal decay

    if (pro_bulkdecay_pos == MAX_BULKDECAY ) {
	Error("AddPrologueBulk","MAX_BULKDECAY reached");
	return kFALSE;
    if (pro_bulkdecay_pos && (pro_bulk[pro_bulkdecay_pos-1]->GetPriority() > mybulk->GetPriority())) {
	pro_bulk[pro_bulkdecay_pos]   = pro_bulk[pro_bulkdecay_pos-1];
	pro_bulk[pro_bulkdecay_pos-1] = mybulk;
    } else

    return kTRUE;
